7 Test-Taking Tips for Parents

 There are many ways parents can help their child feel confident, relaxed, and ready to show what they know!


Here are a few tips you can use to help your child prepare for tests:


Tip 1: Explicitly teach your child good study habits. A pre-test checklist that includes reviewing the material, writing a study a guide, and eating a good breakfast will help manage their time before taking the test. Read this ARTICLE to learn steps to smarter studying for children.


Tip 2: Encourage your child to take practice tests. Whether it’s a standardized test, a chapter test, or a quiz, it is important that your child feels prepared. Taking practice tests allows them to become familiar with the format of the test, the types of questions they will encounter, and the material they are being tested on. Reach out to their teacher and ask for practice materials.


Tip 3: Provide them with opportunities to study the material and clarify misconceptions. Study guides and review materials are essential to helping your child feel prepared. If your child is having difficulty with the material, reach out to their teacher, reteach the material, or hire a tutor to help better prepare your child. Need a tutor? Contact us HERE.


Tip 4: Remind your child to manage their time during the test. Many standardized tests are timed and so it is important that your child is able to manage their time during the test. Beginning the test right away and skipping questions and going back to answer them later are a couple ways they can manage their time during the test. The more familiar they are with the material, the less likely they will have an issue with time management. For specific ways to help your child with time management, CLICK HERE.


Tip 5: Encourage your child to take a break when allowed. Depending on the type of test they will take, your child might have a chance to take a short break. Sometimes it will be a stretch break; other times a bathroom break. If your child is given a break during the test, it can serve as a “brain reset” and help them gain better focus once they start again.

Tip 6: Make sure your child gets enough sleep and eats a good breakfast. It goes without saying that if your child’s physical needs are met, it is more like that they will perform better on the test. For more information on how meeting your child’s physical needs can help them be successful CLICK HERE.


Tip 7: Encourage your child to be positive and confident. Remind them that you believe in them and that they are ready and capable of doing well. It is also important that they believe in themselves. For growth mindset phrases you can incorporate at home to build their confidence CLICK HERE.




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